Your Support & Guide

abbriana C. Aka Madam Lume

One of my absolute favorite things about being alive is storytelling. The lessons, triumphs, and navigations of a plethora of worlds allows me one thing. Connection. I get to see myself in every story I come across and take a little bit with me.

So what’s my story, and how can I support you as a guide for navigating yours?

I am a mother, writer, author, cheerleader, and joy enthusiast. I have been supporting others and showing up as a guide for the last 5 years in various avenues. Originally, as a guide for couples to come together and experience play together. Where my focus was to bring more joy into the world by supporting joyful connection in romantic partnership. Now, as a guide for the depraved and victimized to experience the many joys their personal experience has to offer. With a focus on connection and support for their true abundance and sovereignty. Through my writings, events, classes, and sessions as a life pleasure coach.